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Akhil Akkineni

Akhil Akkineni

Akhil Akkineni is an American-born Indian actor who works in Telugu cinema. He is the son of actors Akkineni Nagarjuna and Amala, the grandson of actor Nageswara Rao, and brother of Akkineni Naga Chaitanya. His sister-in-law Samantha Akkineni is also an actor.

Akhil Akkineni Biography

What is the real name of Akhil Akkineni?

Akhil Akkineni's real name is also Akhil Akkineni, as same as his screen name.

Does Akhil Akkineni has any nicknames?

No. Akhil Akkineni is the only name that everyone uses to call his in family and profession.

When is the birthday of Akhil Akkineni?

Akhil Akkineni's birthday is Friday, 8th April 1994.

What is the age of Akhil Akkineni as of November 2024?

Akhil Akkineni's age is 30 years as of November 2024. His next birthday is coming in 4 months from now.

Where does Akhil Akkineni born (city)?

Akhil Akkineni born in San Jose, California, USA.

Where does Akhil Akkineni live?

He lives in Hyderabad,Telangana,India now (2024)

What is the height of Akhil Akkineni?

Akhil Akkineni's height is 5 '8" (in Feet Inches), 1.75m (in meters), 175 cm (in centimeters).

What is the weight of Akhil Akkineni?

Akhil Akkineni's approximate weight is 74 kg (163 lbs)

What is the eye and hair color of Akhil Akkineni?

Akhil Akkineni's eye color is Black and also his hair color is Black too.

What is the zodiac sign of Akhil Akkineni?

His zodiac sign is Aries.

What religion is Akhil Akkineni?

Akhil Akkineni follows Hinduism.

Is Akhil Akkineni an Indian citizen?

Yes. Akhil Akkineni is an Indian citizen.

What is the qualification of Akhil Akkineni?

Akhil Akkineni completed his High School from Chaitanya Vidyalaya, Oakridge International School, Hyderabad, India, and B.B.A from University of South Florida.

What is the salary of Akhil Akkineni (in 2024)?

We don't have any information about Akhil Akkineni's salary yet.

How much is Akhil Akkineni's net worth?

We don't have any information about Akhil Akkineni's net worth yet.

What are the hobbies of Akhil Akkineni?

Travelling and Hanging Out With Friends are few of Akhil Akkineni's hobbies, which he usually like to do while he is not working.

Does Akhil Akkineni drink alcohol or smoke?

Yes. He drinks alcohol. But doesn't smoke.

Who are Akhil Akkineni's parents?

Akhil Akkineni's stepmother name is Lakshmi Ramanaidu Daggubati. His mother name is Amala Akkineni, an Actress. Also he has a father named Akkineni Nagarjuna, an Actor.

How many sisters/brothers Akhil Akkineni has?

Akhil Akkineni has a stepbrother, named Naga Chaitanya(Actor).

Is Akhil Akkineni married or not? Who is his wife?

Akhil Akkineni is not married yet and he is single as of now (November 2024)

Who is Akhil Akkineni's girl friend now (November 2024)?

There are rumours that Akhil Akkineni is dating Shriya Bhupal.

Did Akhil Akkineni date Shriya Bhupal?

Yes. Even though, there is no official news about the relationship, there were many rumors that Akhil Akkineni and Shriya Bhupal(Fashion Designer) were dating and seen together. Also many popular media sources stating that they're dating each other.

Akhil Akkineni's contact details and social network profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc)

Celebrities usually prefer not to share their personal contact information to safeguard their privacy. We tried our best to collect and share all available details below.

Please do not worry if you don't find the exact detail you're looking for. You can always conatct the celebrities via comments section in any of their social account profiles. (The links are given below)

If you have any information that is not available here, please let us know and we will add them as soon as possible.

Akhil Akkineni Office Address & Contact Details

  • Office Address: Not Available
  • Phone Number: Not Available
  • Manager Phone Number: Not Available
  • Booking Agent Number: Not Available

Akhil Akkineni Personal Contact Details

  • Residence Address: Not Available
  • Mobile Number: Not Available
  • Whatsapp Number: Not Available
  • Email Address: Not Available
  • Website Address: Not Available

Akhil Akkineni Social Media Profiles

  • Wikipedia URL: Click here to visit
  • Instagram Account: Not Available
  • Youtube Address: Not Available
  • Pinterest Account: Not Available
  • IMDB Profile: Click here to visit

Listen Akhil Akkineni Songs & Music Albums

  • Saavn: Not Available
  • Gaana: Not Available
  • Hungama: Not Available
  • Wynk: Not Available
  • Spotify: Not Available
  • Google Play Music: Not Available
  • TuneIn: Not Available

Which brands Akhil Akkineni endorse?

Akhil Akkineni endorsed 4 brands. We listed them below:

  • South India Shopping mall
  • Titan Watches
  • Mountain Dew
  • Uber Premier

What are Akhil Akkineni's favorites?

  • Favorite Directors: Christopher Nolan
  • Favorite Movies: Momento, Inception, The Dark Knight

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