What is the real name of Dhivyadharshini?
Dhivyadharshini's real name is Dhivyadharshini Neelakandan. But she is known popularly as Dhivyadharshini.
Does Dhivyadharshini has any nicknames?
Yes. Her nicknames are Dhivyadharshini and DD.
When is the birthday of Dhivyadharshini?
Dhivyadharshini's birthday is Sunday, 17th February 1985.
What is the age of Dhivyadharshini as of November 2024?
Dhivyadharshini's age is 39 years as of November 2024. Her next birthday is coming in 2 months from now.
Where does Dhivyadharshini born (city)?
Dhivyadharshini born in Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India.
Where does Dhivyadharshini live?
She lives in Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India now (2024)
What is the height of Dhivyadharshini?
Dhivyadharshini's height is 5 '2" (in Feet Inches), 1.6m (in meters), 160 cm (in centimeters).
What is the weight of Dhivyadharshini?
Dhivyadharshini's approximate weight is 56 kg (123 lbs)
What is the eye and hair color of Dhivyadharshini?
Dhivyadharshini's eye color is Black and also her hair color is Black too.
What is the zodiac sign of Dhivyadharshini?
Her zodiac sign is Aquarius.
What religion is Dhivyadharshini?
Dhivyadharshini follows Hinduism.
Is Dhivyadharshini an Indian citizen?
Yes. Dhivyadharshini is an Indian citizen.
What is the qualification of Dhivyadharshini?
Dhivyadharshini completed her High School from Our Lady’s Matriculation Higher Secondary School, and Bachelors Degree from Anna Adarsh College, Chennai..
What is the salary of Dhivyadharshini (in 2024)?
We don't have any information about Dhivyadharshini's salary yet.
How much is Dhivyadharshini's net worth?
We don't have any information about Dhivyadharshini's net worth yet.
What are the hobbies of Dhivyadharshini?
Reading and Cooking are few of Dhivyadharshini's hobbies, which she usually like to do while she is not working.
Does Dhivyadharshini drink alcohol or smoke?
No. Dhivyadharshini doesn't smoke or drink.