What is the real name of Niharika Konidela?
Niharika Konidela's real name is also Niharika Konidela, as same as her screen name.
Does Niharika Konidela has any nicknames?
Yes. Her nickname is Niha.
When is the birthday of Niharika Konidela?
Niharika Konidela's birthday is Saturday, 18th December 1993.
What is the age of Niharika Konidela as of November 2024?
Niharika Konidela's age is 30 years as of November 2024. Her next birthday is coming in 1 month from now.
Where does Niharika Konidela born (city)?
Niharika Konidela born in Hyderabad,Telangana,India.
Where does Niharika Konidela live?
She lives in Hyderabad,Telangana,India now (2024)
What is the height of Niharika Konidela?
Niharika Konidela's height is 5 '6" (in Feet Inches), 1.7m (in meters), 170 cm (in centimeters).
What is the weight of Niharika Konidela?
Niharika Konidela's approximate weight is 50 kg (110 lbs)
What is the eye and hair color of Niharika Konidela?
Niharika Konidela's eye color is Brown and her hair color is Black.
What is the zodiac sign of Niharika Konidela?
Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
What religion is Niharika Konidela?
Niharika Konidela follows Hinduism.
Is Niharika Konidela an Indian citizen?
Yes. Niharika Konidela is an Indian citizen.
What is the qualification of Niharika Konidela?
Niharika Konidela completed her Bachelors Degree from St. Mary’s College, Hyderabad.
What is the salary of Niharika Konidela (in 2024)?
Niharika Konidela's salary is 25 Lakhs per project (2024). This may vary based on the number of languages, the film/series made.
How much is Niharika Konidela's net worth?
It is estimated that Niharika Konidela has net assets worth 2 Crores. We cannot say this figure is very accurate. But her net worth must be around this amount.
What are the hobbies of Niharika Konidela?
Listening to music, Dancing, Cooking and Reading are few of Niharika Konidela's hobbies, which she usually like to do while she is not working.
Does Niharika Konidela drink alcohol or smoke?
No. Niharika Konidela doesn't smoke or drink.